Legal Designation Language
General support
If you choose to include the Wildlife Conservation Network in your will or estate plan, you can name WCN as follows:
I give __________________ (% or amount) to the Wildlife Conservation Network (Tax ID/EIN: 30-0108469), located at 209 Mississippi Street, San Francisco, CA 94107.
Species-specific support
There is no more important or lasting final act than making a bequest to support wildlife for future generations. We deeply honor the specific intentions of our donors, and recognize that there may be very specific intentions for planned gifts. The most rigorous language to fulfill these intentions is the following:
I give __________________ (% or amount) to the Wildlife Conservation Network (Tax ID/EIN: 30-0108469) located at 209 Mississippi Street, San Francisco, CA 94107, for the benefit of <Name of Species or conservation partner(s)>.
We live in an uncertain world, especially when talking about the extensive time frames involved in planned giving. Circumstances beyond anyone’s control may lead to unpredictable situations. In the ideal scenario, conservation efforts may no longer be necessary to protect a species. Conversely, in the worst case scenario the species may have become extinct. To address this type of remote possibility, the following language provides latitude:
I give ___________________ (% or amount) to the Wildlife Conservation Network (Tax ID/EIN: 30-0108469) located at 209 Mississippi Street, San Francisco, CA 94107, for the benefit of <Name of Species or conservation partner(s)>, except in extreme circumstances, such as extinction of the target species, wherein an approval of the WCN Board of Directors could reallocate the funds to where they are most needed.
Whatever language you choose, we sincerely appreciate your vision for the future of wildlife and of your trust in WCN and our Partners to realize that vision.
Contact Information
Legal Name: Wildlife Conservation Network
Address: Attn: Planned Giving, 209 Mississippi Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
Phone: 415-202-6384
Federal tax ID/EIN number: 30-0108469