Leave A Legacy for Wildlife
Planned gifts that name the Wildlife Conservation Network (WCN), or its Partners, as a beneficiary is a way to ensure wildlife and people coexist and thrive beyond what may be possible now, while saving on taxes and providing for heirs. All gifts can be designated for any species or program. WCN proudly guarantees that 100% of all designated donations go directly to helping wildlife in the field and we maintain the highest possible 100% 4-star rating through Charity Navigator. Planned gifts can significantly advance WCN’s mission and offer the chance to leave a legacy, helping wildlife and people coexist and thrive for generations.
Listed below are some examples of the types of assets that can be used to fund a legacy gift to WCN or its Partners. This information is meant as a general guide about ways of giving and potential financial benefits and is not meant to provide tax or legal advice.
Wildlife Forever
Join WCN's Legacy SocietyWildlife Forever
Wildlife Forever Legacy Society
WCN has established the Wildlife Forever legacy society to build a community and recognize those who are looking for ways to support wildlife into the future through their estate plans. Including WCN in estate plans such as a will, trust, life insurance policy, or as a named beneficiary of a retirement account includes you in an exclusive group dedicated to wildlife’s future. We’d love to know if you’ve included WCN in your planned giving and if there are any specific species you intend to support. As part of this program we will recognize our Wildlife Forever members in publications, offer unique opportunities to connect with conservationists and guidance for estate planning questions. If there are questions, we can help clarify the best legacy gift option to fulfill your wishes and philanthropic goals. Many planned gift types can provide tax benefits and financial advantages now.
There are two ways to join Wildlife Forever, let us know you’ve already included us in your estate planning (contact information below), or through naming WCN or our Partners in estate plans.
If you’d like more information, or to let us know you’ve already included WCN in your plans, please reach out to Pauline Russell at 415-202-6384 or plannedgiving@wildnet.org.
WCN Information
WCN Information
It is simple to include wildlife in estate plans.
Legal Name: Wildlife Conservation Network
Address: Attn: Planned Giving
209 Mississippi Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
Phone: 415-202-6384
Email: planned_giving@wildnet.org
Federal tax ID/EIN number: 30-0108469
Date of incorporation: October 2, 2002
I give __________________ (% or amount) to the Wildlife Conservation Network (Tax ID/EIN: 30-0108469), located at 209 Mississippi Street, San Francisco, CA 94107.
To name a species or Partner, click here for suggested Legal Designation Language.
Will or Trust
Will or Trust
Giving by Will or Revocable Trust
Through a will or revocable living trust a percentage or sum of all assets can be designated to WCN after your lifetime. If needed, here is the suggested Legal Designation Language to include WCN in estate planning documents and ensure that your wishes are followed.
WCN has partnered with FreeWill to offer a free and easy way to write or update a legally viable will or revocable trust. Many people like to include a gift to help ensure a future wildlife for generations to come. Get started today!
Types of Bequests to WCN
- Bequest of Cash – are a specific sum or a percentage of assets outlined in an estate plan, will or trust
- Residual Bequest – all or a portion of the remainder of the estate after all other debts, taxes, and commitments have been paid
- Contingent Bequest – receives all or a portion of the estate on the condition of other events occurring such as if a spouse or other heir predeceases you
Here is the sample legal language to add to any type of bequest gift designating WCN as a beneficiary:
I give __________________ (% or amount) to the Wildlife Conservation Network (Tax ID/EIN: 30-0108469), located at 209 Mississippi Street, San Francisco, CA 94107.
Planned Giving at Any Age
Planned Giving at Any Age
Giving by Life Insurance
When your family’s needs change and you no longer feel you need a life insurance policy, designating WCN as beneficiary or sole owner of your policy is a simple, tax-efficient way to give. After your lifetime, the benefits from your policy pass to WCN free of federal estate tax.
Giving by Bank, Brokerage and Other Accounts
Naming WCN as the beneficiary of an account, such as a bank or brokerage account, or an asset, such as a certificate of deposit (CD), means the asset will pass directly to WCN after your lifetime.
Charitable Lead Trusts
Charitable lead trusts are wonderful if you would like to continue giving to WCN throughout your lifetime. You establish a trust for which WCN receives regular payments for life or a given term. At the end of this period, the remainder of the trust passes to your designee.
Contact Us
Contact Us
For more information, please contact Pauline Russell at 415-202-6384 or via email. As always, all gifts can be designated for any species or program. WCN proudly guarantees that 100% of all designated donations go directly to helping wildlife in the field.
WCN has partnered with FreeWill to offer a free and easy way to write or update a legally viable will or revocable trust. This tool removes the costs associated with writing a will and takes 20 minutes or less to complete. Many people like to include a gift to help ensure a future wildlife for generations to come. Get started today!
Contact Us
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the language I need for my will or trust?
WCN offers the following suggested Legal Designation Language to include WCN in your estate planning documents and help us to ensure that your wishes are followed.
What is the Legal Designation Language to add WCN to my planned giving?
General support
I give __________________ (% or amount) to the Wildlife Conservation Network (Tax ID/EIN: 30-0108469), located at 209 Mississippi Street, San Francisco, CA 94107.
What assets can I use to make a gift to WCN?
Through your will or living trust or with a distribution from a retirement plan or life insurance policy, you can designate a gift to WCN.
I want to leave my land to WCN. How do I do that?
The most beneficial method is to name WCN as the beneficiary of the assets from the sale of property. If you’d like more information, please reach out to Pauline Russell at 415-202-6384 or planned_giving@wildnet.org.
Who can I contact for more information?
WCN’s Gift and Legacy Manager – Pauline Russell directly at 415-202-6384 or planned_giving@wildnet.org